Looking at the photo of my girls under the Crabapple tree last year makes me realize how quickly time flys!! We have had so much "new" since then that I can't even begin to recount it all.
I do think I learned "More About Jesus" in 2007...only problem is,...I've got so much more to learn!!
I am now an upright bassist. That's right. I am a musician now. Took it up after Christmas. I love it. I get to play with my boys. Our band took home 3rd place honors at the Silver Dollar City Youth in Bluegrass Contest just recently. If you want to see our performance, just go to YouTube and type in "clarktunes" and you'll see us.
I was inspired to blog...again...by someone else. This time it is my friend who has the "welcominggod" blog. She is so inspiring anyway!! I wanted to tell her that the book she is so enjoying is my favorite too. For all you who might wonder, it is the Elisabeth Prentiss book: "Stepping Heavenward." I recommend it for any young girl old enough to appreciate what it means to grow up.
Well, nothing life changing here. I just wanted to update. Maybe I'll be better at this in the future.
My little garden is coming along. One row of the 10 rows of corn must be planted too deep...I only have a few plants up. But, everything esle seems to be doing well. Okra, squash, onions, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, green beans, and flowers. I'll try to take a picture and post it on here. I'll also try to post more pics of my family.

spring 2007
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My Do-Do Glasses
A man who I admire greatly spoke at our church earlier this year. He shared his testimony of coming to Jesus at 17. He grew up in a home with an violent, alcoholic dad and no church background at all. He said that one day while walking down the road at age 17, he instantly fell in love with Jesus and asked Him to save him. No revivals, no tracts, no nothing....except the Holy Spirit leading him. He shared how he would go out into a barn at his house and lay in the loft, singing to the Lord and enjoying sweet communion with him. After a time, he decided to enter into ministry to bring others to the Lord. He approached this the same way that most people do...by going to some sort of school or seminary. As he got more and more involved in the seminary, he started to be pulled away from the Lord. Suddenly, there were all these rules and things you had to do to be "..in a right relationship." The man went ahead to use a funny illustration, I thought. He said something like this: suddenly, there were these glasses you had to put on. On one lense it said "do" and on the other lense it said "do." I started referring to these as "do-do glasses." And you know what? It was a bunch of do-do!! (Perhaps some of you reading this (wallace or natascia) are offended. ha He went on to make the point that the more we try to "do" to be right with the Lord, the more we will fail. His final and most wonderful point was this: all we have to do is fix our eyes on Jesus. Jesus will keep us in the right relationship with Himself. (Okay, maybe I over simplified what he said a little, but this was his basic message.
The only example that comes to my mind that might illustrate this man's point is that of walking with a cup of water. Have you ever noticed that if you have a very full cup of water that you are trying not to spill and you keep your eye on the cup as you walk, some inevitably spills?? But, (and at least this is the case for me) if you keep your eyes focused straight ahead and just walk to the destination you are headed for...wherever that may be...USUALLY you don't spill. Test it out and see if it's true for you. Anyway, that same "trying too hard" idea makes sense to me. I think that in many things, I work myself silly with poor results. If I can only fix my eyes on Jesus and rest...and I do mean REST in Him, then I usually have more peace, if nothing else. And even if my results aren't the ones I was shooting for, if I have peace about them, is that not better???
Now, to relate this babble to my life right now. I'm no health nut. I'm no slob either. I try to avoid sugar. I take vitamins daily. I even take Omega 3's and B12. I don't smoke. I only have wine about once every two months (perhaps I should have more.) No hard alcoholic beverages...unless I'm on vacation at the beach, but that's another story. I don't exercise regularly, but I do help my kids rake a yard now and then and in the summer, I have a big garden. I work around the house and I am not exactly a couch potato. I try to incorporate healthy foods at meals. At the first signs of an infection of any sort, I start my garlic and my extra water intake. Currently, I have a raging sinus/middle ear infection. I have taken Eccenacia and Elderberry since the first signs of a sore throat. I made garlic tea and put apple cider vinegar in it....and actually drank it! I am doing alot, don't you agree?? Do I even have to make the rest of this point?? The one thing that I have not done is to rest. No, not me. I just try to keep going. Today, I stop the "doing." Don't get me wrong, I am going to drink my garlic tea..there is value in that. I am going to read books to Sallie Ann because I can do that sitting down. But...and I mean this with all my heart....I'm going to rest. I'm going to rest in the Lord. I'm going to wait on Him and know that he really does (and always has) healed all my diseases.
How many times will it take for me to learn that if I will rest, be patient and wait, that I don't have to do nearly as much as I once thought. Why is resting so hard?? Is it because we are seen as "weak" when we decide to rest?? Is it because the things that we are doing are really so important that we just can not take a day or two to sit and wait?? I know a lot of people are in positions in life where it is very difficult to rest, esp. people with small children who require much more care than those of us with older children. But...and this is a big but...can even those people not just sit and do most of it??? '
Today, I rest. "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 50something verse something. I'm too tired to do a search to find out exactly what scripture it is...but it is the only thing on my lenses today.
The only example that comes to my mind that might illustrate this man's point is that of walking with a cup of water. Have you ever noticed that if you have a very full cup of water that you are trying not to spill and you keep your eye on the cup as you walk, some inevitably spills?? But, (and at least this is the case for me) if you keep your eyes focused straight ahead and just walk to the destination you are headed for...wherever that may be...USUALLY you don't spill. Test it out and see if it's true for you. Anyway, that same "trying too hard" idea makes sense to me. I think that in many things, I work myself silly with poor results. If I can only fix my eyes on Jesus and rest...and I do mean REST in Him, then I usually have more peace, if nothing else. And even if my results aren't the ones I was shooting for, if I have peace about them, is that not better???
Now, to relate this babble to my life right now. I'm no health nut. I'm no slob either. I try to avoid sugar. I take vitamins daily. I even take Omega 3's and B12. I don't smoke. I only have wine about once every two months (perhaps I should have more.) No hard alcoholic beverages...unless I'm on vacation at the beach, but that's another story. I don't exercise regularly, but I do help my kids rake a yard now and then and in the summer, I have a big garden. I work around the house and I am not exactly a couch potato. I try to incorporate healthy foods at meals. At the first signs of an infection of any sort, I start my garlic and my extra water intake. Currently, I have a raging sinus/middle ear infection. I have taken Eccenacia and Elderberry since the first signs of a sore throat. I made garlic tea and put apple cider vinegar in it....and actually drank it! I am doing alot, don't you agree?? Do I even have to make the rest of this point?? The one thing that I have not done is to rest. No, not me. I just try to keep going. Today, I stop the "doing." Don't get me wrong, I am going to drink my garlic tea..there is value in that. I am going to read books to Sallie Ann because I can do that sitting down. But...and I mean this with all my heart....I'm going to rest. I'm going to rest in the Lord. I'm going to wait on Him and know that he really does (and always has) healed all my diseases.
How many times will it take for me to learn that if I will rest, be patient and wait, that I don't have to do nearly as much as I once thought. Why is resting so hard?? Is it because we are seen as "weak" when we decide to rest?? Is it because the things that we are doing are really so important that we just can not take a day or two to sit and wait?? I know a lot of people are in positions in life where it is very difficult to rest, esp. people with small children who require much more care than those of us with older children. But...and this is a big but...can even those people not just sit and do most of it??? '
Today, I rest. "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 50something verse something. I'm too tired to do a search to find out exactly what scripture it is...but it is the only thing on my lenses today.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Brotherly Inspiration
My brother emailed me this week and said that he noticed that I hadn't blogged in a while. I didn't know anyone ever even thought about my blog. I've decided to post something new. It will be an "update" to being more like Jesus.
Life has presented me with ample opportunities to be More Like Jesus. If I had to list my successes and failures side-by-side, in review of this years attempts at being more like Him, surely the failures would be more than double the successes. But, I have had some divine moments (usually they were when I was weakest) where God led me directly in His path. My faith increases each time I turn from my flesh and follow in His footsteps.
A friend of mine was recently asked the question, "What is walking by the Spirit? I've always heard of this, but how do you really know if you are doing it??" I thought her answer was divine. She said, "Anytime you have an opportunity to show either love or hate, mercy or judgment, grace or condemnation...and you choose the ones that Jesus would show, then you know you are walking by the Spirit." Pretty good answer. Pretty simple too. The more you choose His ways, the more blessed you are. It's win-win.
Well, my kids are not conducting themselves in an orderly manner...(clear throat)...so I am going to go have a "counselling" session with them. Reader might want to say a short prayer for them. ha
Next time: Update on my hair.
Life has presented me with ample opportunities to be More Like Jesus. If I had to list my successes and failures side-by-side, in review of this years attempts at being more like Him, surely the failures would be more than double the successes. But, I have had some divine moments (usually they were when I was weakest) where God led me directly in His path. My faith increases each time I turn from my flesh and follow in His footsteps.
A friend of mine was recently asked the question, "What is walking by the Spirit? I've always heard of this, but how do you really know if you are doing it??" I thought her answer was divine. She said, "Anytime you have an opportunity to show either love or hate, mercy or judgment, grace or condemnation...and you choose the ones that Jesus would show, then you know you are walking by the Spirit." Pretty good answer. Pretty simple too. The more you choose His ways, the more blessed you are. It's win-win.
Well, my kids are not conducting themselves in an orderly manner...(clear throat)...so I am going to go have a "counselling" session with them. Reader might want to say a short prayer for them. ha
Next time: Update on my hair.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Laughing at Myself..and Babbling to Myself
I just read my last two posts. I'm laughing (at least on the inside.) I want to be more like Jesus. It seemed to last about a month. Then, I wanted great hair. Am I a typical, shallow, dufus or what??? I suppose it is possible to be more like Jesus AND have pretty hair........isn't it?? Let's take a poll. Vote on whether or not people with pretty hair can be more like Jesus. Let's take another poll. Vote on this: Can people who think it would be fun to take a poll on whether or not you can be more like Jesus and have pretty hair....be more like Jesus? Oh, I really hope so.
Well, anyway.....
If anyone else on the planet is reading this, you need to visit my friend Natascia's blog called "Let's Face It..." and read what she wrote about her daughter swallowing a coin. It is great!! She is so talented. There is a link to her blog here on my site. Natascia, you are growing in your faith and you don't even know it!!!
Tonight my mom turned 74. She is on a walker, but still well enough to go out for Chinese food and have a party with us. I don't know why, but somehow I can be with my mom and look right past her handicap. When I say "look past", I mean that I totally ignore it...until it slaps me in the face like it has done lately. My mom seems to be in a very slow down-hill slide. Her health fails a little more each day. If I had a video of her from 4 years ago, her decline would be very apparent, I fear. If I let myself think too deeply about it, I get very sad. My mom was such a hard worker and always dreamed of traveling when she had the chance. Looks like Providence decided she'd stay close to home. I grieve that for her. However, we are all headed down some path of decline. (I'm just a ball of light and joy tonight, huh.) Really, I don't mind the thought. I am becoming quite comfortable with my own limitations...and I think that I, too, am on a slow, down-hill slide (in more areas than just my health sometimes.) My prayer for myself, and I guess for my mom too, is that we seek God's light of truth to transform the way we see our decline.
There are wonderful lessons in nature that would teach us something about aging and death. The trees in the fall are prettier to me than any time of year...including spring. (Look at the picture of our crabapple tree just two weeks ago and you'll have something to compare to my feelings for fall.) Even the "dead" look of trees in the winter have their own haunting beauty. There are many comparisons to life in the changing of the trees...but the one that is most striking to me is that in order for there to be something beautiful and new, fresh and stunning, full of life and fruit, ....there has to be something changed, cold, and dead. Does anyone ever wonder that spring and summer will not come after a winter? If a tree is still rooted and standing, is it strange that new growth will appear with the warming of the earth? Life will come after death for those of us who are still in the "root" or The Vine...and it will be beautiful, stunning, fresh, full of life, fruitful...and wonderful. Haven't you read about people who have had near death experiences and they speak of the "warm light" that they were drawn toward? There will be warmth, newness, and life after death. In the meantime, may we all be enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit to enjoy the changes that are inevitable in life and find beauty, even in the death of things.
As for my hair,....well.............it grows. (Thank goodness!!!)
It was 37 degrees when we drove home from mother's house tonight. Mom told me that there'd be another freeze and that I shouldn't plant my plants yet (that was about 2 weeks ago.) I thought that surely, since it had been almost 90 degrees off and on for the two weeks prior, no more freezing weather would be in the forecast. When am I going to learn to listen to my mother????????
Last note: (and it really doesn't matter...I'm just writing it for myself to read)... It was 4 years ago yesterday, April 5, 2003, that we moved to Searcy from Magnolia. Time has really flown since then. My children have grown so much. I've grown so much (literally and metaphorically speaking.) ha
Ciao!!...and for you English speaking people: Bye
Well, anyway.....
If anyone else on the planet is reading this, you need to visit my friend Natascia's blog called "Let's Face It..." and read what she wrote about her daughter swallowing a coin. It is great!! She is so talented. There is a link to her blog here on my site. Natascia, you are growing in your faith and you don't even know it!!!
Tonight my mom turned 74. She is on a walker, but still well enough to go out for Chinese food and have a party with us. I don't know why, but somehow I can be with my mom and look right past her handicap. When I say "look past", I mean that I totally ignore it...until it slaps me in the face like it has done lately. My mom seems to be in a very slow down-hill slide. Her health fails a little more each day. If I had a video of her from 4 years ago, her decline would be very apparent, I fear. If I let myself think too deeply about it, I get very sad. My mom was such a hard worker and always dreamed of traveling when she had the chance. Looks like Providence decided she'd stay close to home. I grieve that for her. However, we are all headed down some path of decline. (I'm just a ball of light and joy tonight, huh.) Really, I don't mind the thought. I am becoming quite comfortable with my own limitations...and I think that I, too, am on a slow, down-hill slide (in more areas than just my health sometimes.) My prayer for myself, and I guess for my mom too, is that we seek God's light of truth to transform the way we see our decline.
There are wonderful lessons in nature that would teach us something about aging and death. The trees in the fall are prettier to me than any time of year...including spring. (Look at the picture of our crabapple tree just two weeks ago and you'll have something to compare to my feelings for fall.) Even the "dead" look of trees in the winter have their own haunting beauty. There are many comparisons to life in the changing of the trees...but the one that is most striking to me is that in order for there to be something beautiful and new, fresh and stunning, full of life and fruit, ....there has to be something changed, cold, and dead. Does anyone ever wonder that spring and summer will not come after a winter? If a tree is still rooted and standing, is it strange that new growth will appear with the warming of the earth? Life will come after death for those of us who are still in the "root" or The Vine...and it will be beautiful, stunning, fresh, full of life, fruitful...and wonderful. Haven't you read about people who have had near death experiences and they speak of the "warm light" that they were drawn toward? There will be warmth, newness, and life after death. In the meantime, may we all be enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit to enjoy the changes that are inevitable in life and find beauty, even in the death of things.
As for my hair,....well.............it grows. (Thank goodness!!!)
It was 37 degrees when we drove home from mother's house tonight. Mom told me that there'd be another freeze and that I shouldn't plant my plants yet (that was about 2 weeks ago.) I thought that surely, since it had been almost 90 degrees off and on for the two weeks prior, no more freezing weather would be in the forecast. When am I going to learn to listen to my mother????????
Last note: (and it really doesn't matter...I'm just writing it for myself to read)... It was 4 years ago yesterday, April 5, 2003, that we moved to Searcy from Magnolia. Time has really flown since then. My children have grown so much. I've grown so much (literally and metaphorically speaking.) ha
Ciao!!...and for you English speaking people: Bye
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Sweet Peace and the Stomach Flu
Tonight is a strange night; awful, yet wonderful. We all have either had, (that would be me) or are in the process of having the stomach flu. I'll spare the awful details, but those of you who have had the experience of running to the bathroom frequently during a given 24 hour period can relate. My whole family is down at the moment. Some have fever; some have thrown up several times today; others are dizzy and dehydrated. Okay, so I decided not to spare you the details. But, and forgive me if I sound unsympathetic to my suffering family, it is so peaceful in this house right now. No one is stirring. No one needed any supper. I just fix glasses of Sprite and I'm through. God, in His mercy, has given us wonderful rest in a very comfortable environment. It's hard to even categorize it as "suffering", although I'm not sure that my family would agree with that last statement(...and I'm not sure I would have agreed yesterday.) There is something to be said for sleeping on and off for a whole day. There is even more to be said for being made acutely aware of how blessed you are to be able to go about your day-to-day activities with thoughtless ease.
I thought about my friend, Alan, during my "down time." He has had "down time" for over 5 years now. For the last two of his five years, he has been on a ventilator. He has Lou Gerihg's Disease. I cannot even begin to imagine a day in his life. Alan has been to me a "shining star in a dark universe." He has written books with a special computer keyboard. He has been an encouragment to me and to so many. He is God's grace, personified. My prayers for Alan are mostly Holy Spirit groanings now. I keep asking that the LORD either heal him or take him home, ...but still no answer yet. I don't know why. It seems awful....but I know that there is some wonderful in it all...somehow. God's Word says so. In Romans 11:36 it says that Christ is to all, through all, and in all. I believe it. Someday, with eyes unveiled, we'll know as we are known. I want the LORD to show me all the wonderful work He accomplished through this man and his suffering. I know that when the Lord shows me, there will have been something wrought for me too.
Thank you, Alan. Thank you, LORD. Thank you for awful things that hold within them your wonderful grace and peace.
I thought about my friend, Alan, during my "down time." He has had "down time" for over 5 years now. For the last two of his five years, he has been on a ventilator. He has Lou Gerihg's Disease. I cannot even begin to imagine a day in his life. Alan has been to me a "shining star in a dark universe." He has written books with a special computer keyboard. He has been an encouragment to me and to so many. He is God's grace, personified. My prayers for Alan are mostly Holy Spirit groanings now. I keep asking that the LORD either heal him or take him home, ...but still no answer yet. I don't know why. It seems awful....but I know that there is some wonderful in it all...somehow. God's Word says so. In Romans 11:36 it says that Christ is to all, through all, and in all. I believe it. Someday, with eyes unveiled, we'll know as we are known. I want the LORD to show me all the wonderful work He accomplished through this man and his suffering. I know that when the Lord shows me, there will have been something wrought for me too.
Thank you, Alan. Thank you, LORD. Thank you for awful things that hold within them your wonderful grace and peace.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Well, I started the new year off with a change in hairstyle. I've been growing my hair long for the last couple of years...and it just wasn't working. So, I've gone back to a shorter style. What is it about women and hair? I know that I'm borderline personality disorder anyway...but when it comes to hair, I'm a lunatic!!! I am in a constant want of a new look with my hair. It is crazy. Can I get a witness people!!!??? I like the new, shorter style..but I'm constantly checking out other women's dos and thinking, "Would mine look good like that?" Perhaps it isn't the hair that needs changing at all. Maybe the dissatisfaction is a symptom of a much deeper crisis that needs an over haul.
I'm not sure where this fits in with my "More About Jesus" motto for 2007. Something tells me that Jesus didn't worry about his hair. Can someone tell me how to quit wanting to "look" a certain way? It is such vanity, I know. But I still haven't found the answer here. I'm sure open to someone setting me straight. Come on, Nat. What do you have to say here.
I'm not sure where this fits in with my "More About Jesus" motto for 2007. Something tells me that Jesus didn't worry about his hair. Can someone tell me how to quit wanting to "look" a certain way? It is such vanity, I know. But I still haven't found the answer here. I'm sure open to someone setting me straight. Come on, Nat. What do you have to say here.
Monday, January 1, 2007
More About Jesus
Well, here goes the New Year!!!! Fresh starts, better living, setting goals, blah, blah, blah...I've said it all before. Could this year really be the start of something different?
I am going to be a pilgrim this year. I am going to resolve only one thing: To be more like Jesus. I figure if I can master being more like Him, everything else will fall in place; and even if it doesn't, I'll have peace. My theme song for this year is "More About Jesus." It is an old hymn we sang at my mom's church where I attended until I was about 18. The song came to me while listening to our elder, John D. speak at church on Sunday morning. John said something to the effect of.."instead of resolving shallow things like losing weight, getting out of debt, or matters of earthly importance, why don't we try to have a closer walk with our Lord?" I bet I've heard that said before...but it "took" this time. You know how it is....when your heart is ready to receive something, that is when you really get it. I'm tired of setting goals only to be disappointed. Perhaps the reason I've been so disappointed in the past had nothing to do with not meeting the goals, but it was the poor choice of goals in the first place.
"More about Jesus would I know, More of His grace to others show; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me."
"More about Jesus let me learn, More of His holy will discern; Spirit of God, my teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me."
"More about Jesus; in His word, Holding communion with my Lord; Hearing His voice in every line, Making each faithful saying mine."
"More about Jesus on His throne, Riches in glory all His own; More of His kingdom's sure increase; More of His coming, Prince of Peace."
"More, more about Jesus, More, more, about Jesus; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me."
And wouldn't you know on the opposite page in the song book is the song by Elisabeth P. Prentiss, who wrote the book "Stepping Heavenward" ...which is only my favorite book that I've ever read...to date. Her song is "More Love to Thee, O Christ."
I'm on the right path...I know it!
Amen and amen. Here's to 2007!
I am going to be a pilgrim this year. I am going to resolve only one thing: To be more like Jesus. I figure if I can master being more like Him, everything else will fall in place; and even if it doesn't, I'll have peace. My theme song for this year is "More About Jesus." It is an old hymn we sang at my mom's church where I attended until I was about 18. The song came to me while listening to our elder, John D. speak at church on Sunday morning. John said something to the effect of.."instead of resolving shallow things like losing weight, getting out of debt, or matters of earthly importance, why don't we try to have a closer walk with our Lord?" I bet I've heard that said before...but it "took" this time. You know how it is....when your heart is ready to receive something, that is when you really get it. I'm tired of setting goals only to be disappointed. Perhaps the reason I've been so disappointed in the past had nothing to do with not meeting the goals, but it was the poor choice of goals in the first place.
"More about Jesus would I know, More of His grace to others show; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me."
"More about Jesus let me learn, More of His holy will discern; Spirit of God, my teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me."
"More about Jesus; in His word, Holding communion with my Lord; Hearing His voice in every line, Making each faithful saying mine."
"More about Jesus on His throne, Riches in glory all His own; More of His kingdom's sure increase; More of His coming, Prince of Peace."
"More, more about Jesus, More, more, about Jesus; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me."
And wouldn't you know on the opposite page in the song book is the song by Elisabeth P. Prentiss, who wrote the book "Stepping Heavenward" ...which is only my favorite book that I've ever read...to date. Her song is "More Love to Thee, O Christ."
I'm on the right path...I know it!
Amen and amen. Here's to 2007!
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