Today was a great day. What started out as a time for a few people to get together with no real agenda, wound up being a wonderful time of prayer, sharing and encouragement. (At least for me...and I think for the others too.) I was most happy about how it all turned out.
I am still a bit sad, however. I am trying to keep my perspective about my little dog, Joe. He was our dear little pet who disappeared about 2 days ago. He hardly ever leaves the yard so it is a mystery as to what has actually happened to him. In the middle of people fighting for their lives, people dying in wars, heartbreaks like families falling apart, and the general hardship of day-to-day life, I am still selfish enough (if that is what it is) to miss and greive for my little pet. My God is big enough not to be bothered by my asking for something so petty as a little dog to be "breathed together again" ...or "released from the captives." God cares about the biggest things and the littlest. Isn't that wonderful?!! I'll try to post a picture of him. Just call it my tribute to Joe, or Jingle Joe, as we'd become accoustomed to calling him (his collar always jingled.) Here's to everyone who has loved and lost a pet. I'm sorry. ...and I DO know how you feel.

spring 2007
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I had to create a google account -- I will never be able to remember all these stupid passwords!
But if you created a blog to post a comment on mine, the least I could do is create a google account to reciprocate.
Now, to your post.. I dare say you do not know how I feel.. Joe is no Sadie..
I had fun as usual at your house yesterday.
Love ya.
Hi, Cindy. i think we have met a time or two. If not, it just feels that way because I hear about you from Natascia.
I am very sorry about Joe. (Hoping he may have shown up by now???)
Once our Paolo got loose and disappeared overnight, and I spent hours walking the streets, crying from time to time, asking people if they had seen him.
I don't think there is anything selfish about your feelings. God apparently thought it important to let us know that He cares about every sparrow that falls, so I can't imagine He would consider loving one of His creatures selfish.
I hope he has returned, and if not, I pray for peace for you.
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